If you're looking for ways to improve your foundation funding search, there's still time to save $100 on our upcoming online course!

CD Publications offers at cdpublications.com
Sun Oct 13 03:38:04 BST 2013

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Winning Strategies and Techniques for Finding Your Best Foundation Funders

An e-learning course presented by CD Publications

Register Today and save $100 -- Only 7 slots remain!

As federal funding becomes more challenging, grant seekers are increasingly turning to private funders. But, with 100,000 foundations--finding the ones most likely to fund your program is daunting--and targeting the wrong funder dooms even the best applications, means hours of wasted work and money, and can even have an adverse impact on your organization! So what's a time-pressed grant seeker to do?

Now you can learn highly-effective foundation prospecting strategies without spending time and money at a workshop. Join veteran grant writer/researcher Glenda O'Neal for a 4-week, online, instructor-guided course on keys to success in effective foundation prospect research. In this invaluable class, students learn proven ways to effectively match their organization's needs with funders most likely to support them.

Unlike many courses, the instructor interacts with students throughout the class. Students learn effective prospect research skills and how to identify funders likely to meet their organization's needs, through exercises, readings and research. The instructor discusses student progress and funding prospects via individual consultation and by the end of the class students will have identified potential grantors for their projects.

Here's just some of the skills you'll have after completing the course:

 * How to effectively collect information about foundation grant makers
 * How to choose the best prospects for your projects
 * The importance of collecting accurate information and strategies to verify it
 * How to best apply the information gleaned in foundation research to one's proposals

The class starts October 21st and will run for 4 weeks. It's designed for adults who need flexibility for other obligations. As such, students work at their own pace, with about 10 days to complete each section of the course, before the next section starts. Class ends before Thanksgiving to enable participants to enjoy a well-deserved break!

Your tuition of $395.00 includes:

 * Email and phone access to your instructor; and personalized assignment review and comment by your instructor;
 * Free access to an extensive library of grant materials and winning grant applications;
 * A complimentary subscription to Private Grants Alert, for a wealth of funding opportunities and ideas;
 * Ability to contact any of CD Publications' grants analysts for assistance with your research questions at no added cost.

To get more details, or to register, visit our website at http://cdpubsonline.com/12all/lt.php?c=9012&m=6425&nl=36&s=82405c46f24d3cc43e28e7ecf16bc2eb&lid=993137&l=-http--www.cdpublications.com/store/644 or call us at 1-800-666-6380.

**But don't wait, because class size is limited to ensure quality student/instructor interaction!**

Audio Conference: Winning Funding for Native American Programs in Uncertain Times 
Join us 10/24/13 2-3:15 p.m. EST, when CD Publications presents a special, exclusive audio conference focusing on what this year's Congressional budget impasse will mean to programs serving Native Americans.

Online Class: Winning Strategies and Techniques for Finding Your Best
Foundation Funders
Now you can learn proven, highly-effective foundation prospecting strategies that really work--without leaving your desk or spending time and money at a workshop. The class starts 10/21/2013.

Audioconference: How New Federal and Foundation Trends and Priorities Will Affect Funding for Children's Programs in 2014
In this audio conference you'll gain insights that will give you a
clear edge in your grant seeking, along with invaluable added lead time on
when to expect 2014 solicitations.

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