GHC 7.10.1 bindist for OS X + Haskell Platform 2015.2.0.0 Alpha 2

Mark Lentczner mark.lentczner at
Sat Mar 28 22:23:02 GMT 2015

I have built the 7.10.1 bindist for OS X.
It is currently sitting on my server at:

I have built an Alpha 2 of Haskell Platform 2015.2.0.0 for OS X
It is based on the above bindist.
I should have an ubuntu version of the Platform built by tomorrow.

- Mark

*sha256 sums:*
0cb351281fcf5ef34c54b455a3643d0ff078299a53b2c39d911dbda4aac2d233  Haskell
Platform 2015.2.0.0 alpha 2 64bit.pkg
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