Unable to build lhc base
arumakanil at gmail.com
Sat Nov 29 02:24:43 EST 2008
I've followed the steps described on http://lhc.seize.it/
*darcs get --partial http://darcs.haskell.org/cabal/
darcs get --partial http://darcs.haskell.org/cabal-install/
After you install the latest cabal and cabal install, you can do
cd lhc/lib/base
cabal install --lhc*
But then it said:
* $ unrecognized option `--lhc'*
It seems that the Cabal-install package from *
*uses Cabal- shipped with ghc-6.10.1 rather than the newer one
And in *cabal-install.cabal*, the *build-depends *is "Cabal >= 1.6 && <
1.7", it's confusing.
I've tried to replace the original cabal with newer one and modified the
build-depends above, but ghc-pkg replied the threatening message:
*$ ghc-pkg: unregistering Cabal- would break the following
packages: haddock-2.3.0 ghc-6.10.1 (use --force to override)
*Any hints?*
Mura *
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